good // don't Ming-Bo Lam good // don't Ming-Bo Lam

good // don’t

good // bad

good // don't is currently a work-in-progress, with the first stage of creation made possible by the generous support of Soulpepper Theatre Company's Shen Development Fund

The conflict between what we've been taught "good girls" do - agree, appease, be n-i-c-e & the battle that ensues as we work to unlearn such behaviours, can feel overwhelming. At what point do we stand our ground & mark our boundaries? Where is the tipping point? & how does it feel when at last we claim our right to own our bodies, our choices, our Selves?

This creative process + work-in-progress showing was made possible by the Shen Development Series, at Soulpepper Theatre.

Dancers: Misheel Ganbold, Beatrice Kwan, Yui Ugai
Choreographer: Ming-Bo Lam, in collaboration with the dancers
Videographer & Photographer: Drew Barry
Location: Soulpepper Theatre, Toronto

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